Questions worthy of answers from 200 Common Street – Lawrence, MA

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Questions about the Lawrence, MA city government needing to be answered honestly and promptly.

  1. )How much nepotism exists in filling jobs in the City of Lawrence government?
  2.  And for that matter, how much nepotism exists in the issuing of
    contracts and grants in the city?
  3.  Why do various city leaders think that they do not have to follow
    various requirements regarding Public Records Requests aka to some in
    the city government as FOIAs?
  4.  In the mid 1980’s, the City of Lawrence changed it’s form of
    government from be run by aldermen who were in charge of various city
    departments to a City Council form of government where specific people
    skilled in the operation of said departments were in charge, how did
    these departments exist for almost 40 years with a single person in
    charge? Now, the Department of Public Works ‘has to have 2 Deputy
  5. How can the Mayor’s Special Advisor also be the Executive Director of the Lawrence Redevelopment Authority?
  6. Why are outside influences allowed input to city officials to to force the ostracization of a city employees.
  7. Why was the workforce in the Mayor’s office allowed to go from 4 employees to 10 employees in less than 10 years? And why were the salaries allowed to almost triple in that same period of time?
  8. When the Collins Commission Report was accepted as a source for establishing salaries for non union employees, why were communities who standards of livings were almost twice the standards of living in Lawrence used to determine non union salaries in the Lawrence government?
  9. How can an individual who settled a lawsuit with the city years ago for ‘having to work in a stressful work environment’ be allowed to work for quasi agency of the city?
  10. Can anyone tell me who was behind the removal of LCAT from being able to broadcast the City Council meetings causing them to ultimately lose the right to use the Public Cable channel?
  11. Can anyone explain reason for the constant turnover in the Chief of Staff position in the Mayor’s office?

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