Author: Richard
Songs running through my head…
Several songs are singing in the back of my mind, they are: 1) 2) 3) I can hardly wait until these songs become popular again! LOL Read more
A little about ‘russelloflawrence’
I’m Baaack! In due time, when I figure this blog site out, I will get my FunnyBusiness avatar, the carved wooden eagle with sunglasses, placed in a prominent position on this page; also debating whether to put the picture of the ‘honest politician’, the picture of a politician with his hands in his own pockets… Read more
Suggestion List for Christmas gifts for the Upper Management of the Lawrence, MA city government
I am starting a list of suggestions for the ‘bigshots’ that ‘run’ the Lawrence City Government. Feel free to add to the list. My suggestion to start off, because of the ‘constant crap show’ that emanates from 200 Common Street, is a year’s supply of adult sized diapers! Read more
I’m Baack! Zuck You, Mucky! So much has happened in the 6 weeks that where FunnyBusiness social media unceremoniously deleted 14 years posts, etcetra for an unknown violation of community standards; but what do you expect from a Havid dropout! There has been 6 weeks of political turmoil in Lawrence that no one can blame… Read more
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! Read more