Tried again to get back on the Funnybusiness social media site and was foiled again. What totally aggravates me is that they can detect me trying to get back on again and tell me that why they suspended me; yet they can’t or won’t tell me what led to my ACCOUNT DELETION back in October.
I have my own feelings that my account deletion was somehow politically motivated. Will I name names? No, I can’t and won’t until I can prove it without a shadow of doubt There may be some other individuals on the sideline helping out to a minor degree.
On 11/19/24, I filled a Public Records Request with the City of Lawrence requesting them to search 2 email servers to see if there had been any emails sent to or fro between the city’s 2 email servers and either or that make any mention of me, any of the names that I use, any of my several email accounts, or my facebook page. I have, as of yet, to receive any response from the city. The 10 day limit to send me some sort of response to my request was 12/5/24.
We all have heard the phrase “Guilt by Association”; is it possible to use the phrase “Guilt by Inaction”?
Hopefully, one of the city’s New Year’s resolutions is to respond to Public Records Request in the proper time frame.
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